Divanity, Loving-Kindness

Having Severe Red Butt

I’ve been having a severe case of the red butt recently. Naysayers cast aspersions on the divinity that’s a part of every human being. They take God working in the Old Testament and make him out to be a mass murderer of alleged innocent men, women, and children without any deference to the violent historical context of the times.

It was these alleged innocent people who were violent; they performed child sacrifice amongst other things. God tried holding out his hands to these child killers by sending them prophets to tell them to stop their evil, but they cut off his hands by killing those prophets. So, God responded by ending their violence with violence.

Nevertheless, God fixed the violence problem between himself and humanity forever when he declared peace with humanity. He did it upon comingling his divinity with humanity by the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Now, God and humanity are one entity.

Therefore, when anybody badmouths God, they are insulting themselves. If you say, “screw god,” you’re saying, “screw me.” If people insult God, they humiliate themselves. Additionally, when people insult each other, they’re insulting God.

Finally, we’re one big family, so it’s very important to love each other and treat each other with respect and dignity. We’re all special because we’re a new species of living beings that comingles divinity and humanity, which began with Jesus. I reckon that makes us Divanity. Ain’t that a hoot? And that’s no bull!

So, the next time the naysayers hit the fan, … DUCK!!!

Apostate, Heresy, Loving-Kindness, Uncategorized

Is Being An Apostate Good?

I’ve been called an apostate in my journey away from Christianity, which is probably more than appropriate. However, there’s more to being an apostate than meets the eye. Apostasy comes from Koine Greek and means “a defection or revolt.” I have both defected and revolted against Christianity to pursue the real gospel.

Christianity became dominant in the world when the Roman Empire sponsored it beginning in 325 AD. Rome represents all of Christianity, which includes all of its myriad of denominations, so I use Rome to refer to Christianity.

Rome prefers a false gospel of doing the works of legalism rather than realizing Jesus Christ’s true gospel of grace and peace. Why? The false gospel keeps people coming back to the church to ease the guilt of failing to do the works of legalism. Therefore, Rome made the false gospel the prevalent one til the present day. As an apostate, I’ve defected from Rome, as well as revolted against it.

A defection is “the desertion of one’s country or cause in favor of an opposing one.” A revolt is refusing “to acknowledge someone or something as having authority.” A revolution is “a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people’s ideas about it.” The false gospel is in opposition to the true gospel; it refuses to acknowledge the true gospel of grace and peace’s divine authority. The gospel revolution is “a dramatic and wide-reaching change in people’s ideas about the gospel from what the status quo tells them it is.”

A gospel revolution has been going on ever since Rome officially rejected the true gospel in 325 AD. Rome has consistently persecuted freethinkers in its midst, even to the point of death. Today, Rome doesn’t have the power of life and death over people like it once did, so people are now free to disregard it if they wish.

Nevertheless, Rome still tries to coax people into compliance through guilt and shame. However, People are free to know the true gospel that sets them free from the shame and guilt of religion. They’re free to live their lives on their terms, rather than on Rome’s terms. Yeah, being an apostate is good because it means freedom to choose. Heresy means, “Choice.” Ironic, isn’t it? And that’s no bull!

Heresy, Uncategorized

The New Testament is Heretical

The New Testament is one book made up of several books, but it has two gospels; it has a Jewish doctrine that demands people keep some of the Jewish Law, and it has a gospel of grace where it makes no demands on anybody and also abolishes religious law. People can choose which gospel they want.

Heresy means “choice.” People who don’t want others to have a choice made choosing a bad thing. As both government and church, Christianity put people to death based on their choice, i.e., “Heresy.” Religion wants conformity, not freethinkers.

The gospel of grace gives people the freedom to choose what they want to do in life. In other words, it provides people with personal responsibility. The gospel of grace lets people select and, therefore, makes all people heretical because they have the freedom of choice.

The New Testament is a story of two gospels; one isn’t a gospel at all because Christianity denies people the freedom to choose how to live their lives. Christianity has a list of rules and laws that people must abide by to be good Christians.

It’s not a bad thing that the New Testament is heretical. Why? Because it makes people stand either for grace or for religious law being the way to live a freed life. The New Testament is like writing out pros and cons for something I’m about to buy. Except I get to write down the attributes of grace versus the characteristics of living by religious law. When these differences are evident, then I’m free to be the best heretic I can be by making the best choice for me.

Being a heretic is a good thing! And that’s no bull!

Loving-Kindness, Uncategorized

Burning Enemies Up With Loving-kindness

Proverbs 25:21-22 (KJV) If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and Jehovah shall reward thee.

I was taught in Sunday school to love my enemies as myself, but that message was different in grown-up church.

No one deserves divine retribution for anything. If people did deserve punishment for things they did, then all humanity would be guilty and worthy of going to hell forever. People are one race; either they get saved as one race, or they get destroyed as one race.

Christianity has made itself out to be humanity’s enemy. Christianity has almost 2.1 billion Christians out of 8 billion humans on the earth. Christianity believes in one form or another that the rest of humanity is either going to hell or out of God’s grace. That means that Christianity believes that at least 5.9 billion fellow humans are slated to be thrown into hell by its god.

According to Christianity, Hell is an eternal place of fiery torment where non-Christians will be sent to suffer forever for not becoming Christians. Therefore, Christianity tasks Christians with the mission of saving people from going to hell with such slogans as “Onward Christian Soldiers!”

Christianity is at war with humanity. Christianity seeks to conquer the world for Christ using whatever means it can. One tactic it excels at is hurting people with its empty theologies. It loves debating people to shame them.

How can the rest of humanity deal with these aggressors? How to handle enemies? Let’s love our enemies. For some, that may not be an option, but neither is religion, especially not Christianity. So, once again, let’s Love our enemies. If we do, we’ll make a more significant impact than we would with bibles and bombs.

Adam’s Sin

A Question To Ponder

How hard is it to understand that Jesus’ work was at least as powerful as Adam’s?, Mike Williams, The Gospel Revolution

The entirety of humanity died because the one man, Adam, sinned. Then, the one man Jesus Christ came along and died to give all humanity life, but he only succeeded in giving just a few life. How sad is that? How weak of a savor is that? That makes Jesus sound like a wussy doesn’t it? But wait, that also makes God out to be a weakling, too, right?

Jesus’ purpose on earth was to reverse what Adam did, which was to consign the entire human race to the grave. Wouldn’t Jesus be a failure if he failed to save the entire human race from death? Yes. That means that if Adolf Hitler went to Hell for his mass murders, then Jesus is an utter failure. Nevertheless, Christianity, at least evangelical Christianity, teaches that most of humanity is consigned to hell for rejecting Jesus as their savior.

Now we have something interesting. What happens to those people who don’t believe that Adam’s sin condemned humanity to die? Will they burn in hell twice?

If the Christian God is so “just” why doesn’t he keep to his own law and treat humanity with his very own “eye for an and a tooth for a tooth” statute? Here’s an example: Adam sinned on a tree and condemned all humanity to death; Jesus did righteousness on a tree and saved all humanity for life. Rather than an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, the overtly Just Jehovah chose his blood on a tree for Adam’s sin on a tree. Somewhere in there is some overkill I’d say.

Now, about accepting or rejecting Jesus; believing in or rejecting Jesus has no impact on Jehovah’s saving grace on the cross. People didn’t get to accept being condemned to death by Adam on the tree, nor do people get to accept being saved from death by Jesus on the tree.

The true gospel is actually good news. There is no hell. There is only life. As soon as all people realize that the sooner they can get on with living.